Friday, April 27, 2012

 Remi likes to play with my makeup

 Tatum putting her dollies for a nap on napping daddy

 bedtime stories

 The bracelet Beau made for my birthday.  He's the best.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our Little Artist

Over the last 2 weeks Tatum's drawing ability has exploded from happy faces and scribbles to all this and more! She's so excited about her new found talent that she carries her drawing board everywhere she goes. It's so fun seeing what she comes up with. And she can write one letter...T...of course :)

this ones probably a Sleeping Beauty character...cant remember, but she always saying that she's drawing Prince Phillip or Malefisent :)


Apple Tree





Thursday, February 9, 2012

Big Girl Bed!

We decided that 3 years old was just too old to still be in a crib despite the fact that Tatum loved her crib and didn't seem to mind that she was caged in. So before she turned 3 Beau converted it into a "big girl bed." Which really only means that she has more independence and can get out when she wants... or fall out (only happened a couple times). She's so independent now that as of the last week she goes to the toilet all by herself and climbs up without a stool!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tatum's 3rd Birthday Party...Horton Hears a Who

Im 3!

Im 3!!

I'm 3!!!

Pin The Speck on the Flower...

pull string pinata

dr.seaus pencils!

oooh! a soft pillow!

Happy Birthday to Tatum! Happy Birthday to You!

eatin her cake ball and reading her new disney princess book

coloring some Horton Hears a Who pictures


both girls in their bday crowns

The Details

The Birthday Girl

Back view of her crown

Flower/Speck cake balls (compliments of Auntie Terra and Gram)

Green Eggs and Ham (compliments of Grammy)

Hop on Pop

Happy Birthday To You

The Birthday Crown, flower scepter, and Presents (compliments of Gigi)

Gigi's card. so cute.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Gram's house and Russian sniper shootin'... a good way to spend a Saturday.

picking Beau up from a guys activity at the shooting range... thought I'd just show 'em how its done a few times before I left... Lets just say they were short a few targets to aim for when I was done :)

Lookin good!

I love this place!
My Grandma and Grandpas house.

Love this girl!

"a cement block! yay! we're so excited!"... just kidding, they're laughing at Beau.

we enjoyed a little nature walk around grandma's property... and the neighbors property.

Swinging on the same swing set I swung on as a kid...and my dad swung on as a kid.

