Monday, January 9, 2012

Gram's house and Russian sniper shootin'... a good way to spend a Saturday.

picking Beau up from a guys activity at the shooting range... thought I'd just show 'em how its done a few times before I left... Lets just say they were short a few targets to aim for when I was done :)

Lookin good!

I love this place!
My Grandma and Grandpas house.

Love this girl!

"a cement block! yay! we're so excited!"... just kidding, they're laughing at Beau.

we enjoyed a little nature walk around grandma's property... and the neighbors property.

Swinging on the same swing set I swung on as a kid...and my dad swung on as a kid.



1 comment:

  1. That house looks so neat...and look at you with a gun, you're brave!
