Saturday, November 5, 2011

Celebrating 1 year of REMI!

Look Whoooo's One!

One year ago today Remi came into the world!

and made our family a little bigger...

This was her first time lifting her head...

Now she's walking...

and riding horses all by herself ;)...

and playing games...

eating like a grown up...

and of course, learning how to work that pout.


  1. Happy Birthday Remi! Wish we could have been there to help celebrate!:) Can't believe how BIG she is getting-she's walking? What the?!!! Have a Happy day!

  2. She is so adorable! Thank you so much for having us over. We had so much fun and both boys fell asleep as soon as I put them down for bed - score! :) Happy Birthday Remi!

  3. Love that pouting picture. Stinking cute.

  4. She is getting so big! So fun, hope things are going well in Cali!

  5. Oh man those little guys grow up so fast. Pretty soon she'll be old enough to babysit my kids when they finally come along. Haha. :)
