I am really excited about fall this year! For no particular reason... I usually don't like it because it just reminds me that winter is on its way, but for some reason that's not on my mind as much and I'm just really enjoying it. It's such a beautiful season, especially here in Ohio. The weather is just perfect, and its actually fun to put on pants and sweaters again for a while...which of coarse gets old by winter time. I love the colors and the pumpkins and the smells. So I was really happy when Beau told me he didn't have school today because we went to the Lynd farm and got to pick apples and asian pears and pumpkins... everything I've been wanting to do! It was a good time.
Beau picking some asian pears- Yum!
Me picking apples
Tatum found one just her size all on her own... off the ground- yum yum
This was hilarious. We let Tatum go on a bucket ride thinking this guy was just gonna go on some circles and he just took off through the corn maze out of sight and all over the place for like a 10 minute ride. Luckily they were all still in their buckets when he got back. Some of our friends happened to be there as well and we were all freaking out that they were gonna fall out or something...it was pretty funny, quite a ride for only $2 .
Taters with Heather and Brittany's girls behind her
Little munchkin
"How bout this one?"
"I'm so cute"
balance...master the pumpkin