Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cleveland Area

Beau had an Ohio project rotation at Metro Health in Cleveland so we stayed with our friends, the Albrechts, for a few days. Tatum and I both enjoyed having some company while Beau was gone and it was nice to be in a new place.

We went to the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. Wish it wouldn't have been rainy so we could have seen more of it but it was still fun.

Adrienne, Benson, Taters and I

Me trying to get Tatum to hold the butterfly...

The best I could get was her to let it on her arm.

Warming up to it...

And she likes it...


Cool mom!

This is my excited face!

Still excited...
"K mr. butterfly, lets go on a little stroll... And then later on I'll throw my sippy cup over the edge of this bridge here so that we can't get it back... yup, sounds like a plan."

These big blue butterflies wouldn't land on us like the others did...oh well.

Adrienne and Benson, same room the butterflies were in.

We also visited the Natural History Museum (I believe it was called). There were still life exhibits and real life as well. I thought these raccoons were cute.

We went to the Farm Park in Kirtland. I wish I got a picture of her petting the horse but I didn' she is with the bunnies.

and a big pig...

and milking the cow... well, she only pet the leg.

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