Monday, September 7, 2009

Hocking Hills

Happy Campers!
Rock House
Tatum likes to fly
You're cool beau...he ran up to this spot and back down to us(those specks in the bottom left) about 4 times... good workout
old old bridge...a new one is built over it now

so green and lush here
The thinker... depends on the day :) jk beau
all the trees grow on the sides of rocks like this, its so cool
dippin her feet in the water
Tatum finally fell asleep. Everyone we passed kept making comments on how happy she was.
See the turtle? it has a long tail
"Cedar Drip"... the water is low this time of year... normally this is the most flowing waterfall.

For Labor Day weekend we went up to Hocking Hills for some hiking and camped for a night with the Hayslips... Tatum's first camping experience and she loved it! We were worried cause she woke us up about every hour the night before but she did great. The Hayslips are always doing something fun, its nice to spend time with them.