New High Chair for Tatum

New sippy-cup and big girl chair...shes just growin up!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thanks Gram and Aunt Neggie

Tatum was in desperate need of some stimulation. Her new exersaucer makes it easier to get through the day. She's in a difficult stage where she wakes up several times a night and is not comforting herself back to sleep and she needs to be constantly entertained throughout the day...Im hoping this doesn't last I'm going a little crazy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Lil swimmer

... Making the best of our air conditioner breaking in the 90+ degree weather. Yes, to everyone I griped to, it's finally fixed (knock on wood) and I am writing this blog in a nice cool room :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Beau Finally Finished the Deck. Good Job Beau

As you can see, they changed their minds on the design, but I think it turned out well.

So Meghan can see my short hair...

I have bangs too, I guess this isnt the best pic to show that :)
you can tell I highlight my own hair now... when its short all my brunette is exposed in the back (aaahhh!)...not going for the 2 toned look but thats where laziness gets ya..........I wish hair grew quicker, i already want it long again.